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Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST),
Office : Engineering BLDG 4, Rm. 701-6
Lab : Engineering BLDG 4, Rm. 703
Tel: +82-52-217-2553 Fax: +82-52-217-2509


1997: Ph.D. POSTECH, Chemistry (Advisor: Prof. Ja Kang Ku)
1993: M.S. POSTECH, Chemistry
1991: B.S. POSTECH, Chemistry

Professional Experiences

  • 2013-present: Associate Professor, UNIST
  • 2014-present: Director of Technology Licensing Office and Business Incubation Center, UNIST
  • 2011-present: Vice President and Co-founder, Accendo Systems, USA
  • 2009-2011: President and Co-founder, Numentek America, USA
  • 2001-2013: Postdoctoral Fellow, Visiting Research Assistant Professor, and Research Scientist, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • 2000-2001: Senior Scientist, POSTECH
  • 1999-2000: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • 1997-1999: Postdoctoral Fellow, POSTECH


Member of American Physical Society Member of American Chemical Society Member of SPIE Member of Optical Society of America

Selected Publications

Total publications: 61
SCI journals Sum of the times cited: >2300
h-index: 22

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J. Yan, M. Bloom, S. C. Bae, E. Luijten, and S. Granick, “Linking Synchronization to Self Assembly using Magnetic Janus Colloids”, Nature, 491(7425), 578-581, Nov. 2012.

Wang, B., Kuo, J., Bae, S. C., and Granick, S., “When Brownian Diffusion is Not Gaussian”, Nature Materials, 11(6), 481-485, Jun. 2012.

Q. Chen, S. C. Bae, and S. Granick, “Directed Self-Assembly of a Colloidal Kagome Lattice”, Nature, 469(7330), 381-384, Jan. 2011.

Q. Chen, J. K. Whitmer, S. Jiang, S. C. Bae, E. Luijten, and S. Granick, “Supracolloidal Reaction Kinetics of Janus Spheres”, Science, 331(6014), 199-202, Jan. 2011.

Y. Yu, J. Vroman, S. C. Bae, and S. Granick, “Vesicle Budding Induced by Pore-Forming Peptide”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132(1), 195-201, Jan. 2010.

S. Granick and S. C. Bae, “A curious antipathy of water”, Science, 322(5907), 1477-1478, Dec. 2008.

B. Wang, L. Zhang, S. C. Bae, and S. Granick, “Nanoparticle-induced surface reconstruction of phospholipids membranes”, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 105(47), 18171-18175, Nov. 2008.

S. C. Bae and S. Granick, “Molecular motion at soft and hard interfaces: from phospholipid bilayers to polymers and lubricants”, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem., 58, 352-374, Jun. 2007.

B. H. Hong, S. C. Bae, C-.W. Lee, S. Jeong, and K. S. Kim, “Ultrathin single-crystalline silver nanowire arrays formed in an ambient solution phase”, Science, 294(5541), 348-351, Oct. 2001.