Diagnosis application

  • Health care device development

Sinus view (U2 medtek)



Sinustis (부비동염, 축농증) is common symptom that occurs with inflamation on sinus. Over 7 millions of people who experience sinustis have received a medical treatment. It is hard to make  accurate diagnosis of the sinustis without CT scan on face and it causes additional clinical side effect such as antibiotic abuse. Also, CT scan on human face has been concerned in terms of radiation dose. The new sinustis diagnostic device, Sunus view (U2 medtek), aims to simple and safe diagnosis. It uses near infrared (NIR) wavelength. It makes sinustis diagnosis by detecting penetrated NIR through sinuses.

  • Monte-carlo Simulation

There are complex interaction between light (photons) and tissues. One of our interests is observing light propagation in biological environment. The monte-carlo simulation has been widely used to calculate numerical optical properties of photons. We are able to test light-based diagnosis with the Monte-carlo simulation before device development.